Five Shots With/Without Defender

Tactical Problem: Finding open space in order to receive a pass.

Skill Development: Ready to shoot the ball when pass is received

Teaching Points: 


  • Receive pass after finding an open space



  • Ready to shoot ball after pass is received
  • Arm at 90
  • Power from the legs
  • Hands up ready to receive pass

Five shots without defender (above)

Five shots with defender (above)


Organizational Points:
  • Students find a partner
  • Go to one of six baskets and designate one shooter, one rebounder
  • Shooter moves around the key and puts hands up when ready to receive ball
  • Passer rebounds ball and passes back to the shooter
  • Shooter is ready to shoot the ball when he/she receives the pass
  • Each person shoots five times, then switch


  • Once students are more confident, passer defends basket after they pass the ball
  • Highlights importance of shooter being in ready positon when the ball is received
  • Each person shoots five times, then switch.
